Polimex - Mostostal S.A. Zakład ZREW

Welding works at Polimex – Mostostal S.A. on PKN Orlen S.A.

Construction of auxiliary steel structures for the repair of the boiler in the EDF Porchevile CHP plant.


Making welded joints and assembly works for the task: Construction of the DN700 Szczecin – Gdansk gas pipeline.


Prefabrication and assembly of pipelines TKACZEW.

Orlen Serwis Sp. z o.o. (dawniej Orlen Wir Sp. z o.o.)

Cooperation contracts in the scope of:

  • Performing anti-corrosion works and painting;
  • Installation of industrial machinery, equipment and equipment;
  • Renting and leasing of construction machinery and equipment;
  • Transportation services;
  • Hire of employees;
  • Design services.

Wykonanie i montaż rurociągów, montaż wzmocnień istniejącego podestu i wsporników rurociągów w ramach zadania – Wymiana systemu uszczelnień DGS kompresora na instalacji HOG na terenie PKN Orlen S.A.

Installation and assembly of pipelines, installation of reinforcements of the existing platform and piping supports within the task – Replacement of the DGS compressor system on the HOG installation at PKN Orlen S.A.

Orlen Centrum Serwisowe Sp. z o.o.

Repair of the DN400 transmission pipeline – Płock – Ostrów Wielkopolski.

Execution of mechanical and assembly works;

  • Transportation services;
  • Rental and leasing of equipment;
  • Rental of scaffolding.

Elektrobudowa S.A. w Katowicach

Execution of construction and assembly works for the infrastructure of the Flue Gas Desulphurisation Plant located in PKN Orlen S.A.

Prefabrication and assembly of water and steam pipelines for the infrastructure of the gas-steam unit in Włocławek in ANWIL S.A.

Modernization of K1-K8 boiler cooling system in PKN Orlen S.A.

Reconstruction of technological pipelines, prefabrication and assembly of technological pipelines, assembly of technological equipment in the framework of the investment project in Soda Polska Ciech S.A. in Janików.

Cooperation contracts in the scope of:

  • Performing anti-corrosion works and painting;
  • Installation of industrial machinery, equipment and equipment;
  • Renting and leasing of construction machinery and equipment;
  • Transportation services;
  • Renting staff.

Mostostal Płock S.A.

Integration and installation of flue gas ducts within the project – construction of flue gas desulphurisation installations from 8 EC boilers in PKN Orlen S.A.

Mechanical and assembly works at demuragge GLSA.

Orlen Projekt S.A.

Disinfection of exhaust ducts.

Prefabrication and assembly of steam pipelines for a new turbine on the premises of Soda Polska Ciech S.A.

Bilfinger Industrial Services Polska Sp. z o.o.

Installation and assembly of piping.

Operator Logistyczny Paliw Płynnych Sp. z o.o.

Construction of additive dispensing system in Fuel Base No. 4 in Rejowiec.

Petro EnergoRem Sp. z o.o.

Installation of flue gas and hot air ducts for boiler K3 at PKN Orlen S.A.

Zakład Usług Elektrycznych i Teletechnicznych ZUET Płock

Performing work in the mechanical sector at PKN Orlen S.A.

Mostostal Puławy S.A.

Prefabrication and assembly of piping with tests, acceptance and anti-corrosion protection as part of construction of 4 storage tanks with infrastructure as part of the investment task “Construction Metathesis Installation on the premises of the Main Plant of PKN Orlen S.A. in Płock".